New Year, New Tradition

New Year, New Tradition

by Erica Anderson

THE NEW SAVANT started two years ago to broaden the depth and range of scent experiences that meet the nose. Through this, we hope to make our own creative mark on the storied practice of olfaction, starting with candles. 

But to create a mark in a physical goods business means we are also making a mark –– on the environment. Which is why it's critical that we're always making decisions, both big and small, to push towards a net good. We do this by finding ways to reduce our own consumption, re-use recycled materials for our product and recycle everything we can. It also means this: donating one percent of our annual sales to a cause that pursues environmental conservation and justice.


From the success of 2022, we are honored to make a $5,000 donation to Working Dogs for Conservation (WD4C). WD4C is a Montana-based organization that rescues, trains and deploys conservation dogs to protect natural ecosystems such as forests, lakes, rivers, deserts and more. While there are many conservation efforts that use innovative approaches to improve biodiversity and slow the effects of climate change, we chose WD4C because we are inspired by their simple yet innovative method to protect the planet: a dog’s renowned sense of smell. An added bonus is the fact that their dogs, like Benny and Diesel, were once in shelters, making this a new and meaningful chapter. We like to think of them as New Savants. 😊  

As this new year begins, we want to thank you for joining us on this olfactive journey –– engaging your own sense of smell and creating opportunities for us to give back. In 2023, we'll be doing more with the Super Savants (so be sure to submit your recommendations) as well as making more contributions to environmental causes.


In the meantime, we wish you an abundant, beautiful and rebellious 2023.